
Clip Studio Inking Brushes

$5.99 USD

Note: These brushes work for Clip Studio Paint.

Update 8/23/17

Many new brushes added. Existing tools were renamed and sorted into brush families for ease of identifying your favorites and remembering them later.

Update 1/7/16

Added new brush, nib, and brush pen tools. These tools are meant to be snappy, responsive, and less laggy on slower systems while replacing the core set of Manga Studio's basic tools.

      Update 8/25/14

      Added new tech pen tools and consolidated all my inking tools into one place. Over 60 brushes!

      The new tech pens match the real world size of Rapidograph and Pigma Micron pens when used at 600dpi in Manga Studio. If you want consistency between your analog and digital tech pen work, these are a great place to start.

      Update 10/27/13

      The included Hairpin Sable brush is my new favorite digital inking tool. It attempts to replicate the full-belly snap of a real sable brush thanks to a tailor-made pressure curve.

      The feedback from industry professionals is downright unanimous!  

      What makes these inking brushes special?

      I’ve been using Clip/Manga Studio for comic style work since the app was localized and brought to American audiences by SmithMicro in 2006. I’ve always pushed the boundaries of what was primarily an inking app, creating brushes that took the limitations of Manga Studio’s brush engine and smacked them against the wall. I like to make art apps bleed and Manga Studio has been my target of choice.

      I’ve taken lessons learned from creating brushes in Painter, Manga Studio, Photoshop, Krita, and SAI and applied them to this set for Manga Studio 5. These newest brushes reflect decades of obsessive, masochistic iteration on making the best drawing tools possible.